I thought this will be a nice substitute after watching the 1st ten minutes of the show. But unfortunately, I know why it is the box office poison for theaters (not so for the star's fans!!) The part of training and killing off mates is gory and unimaginable. Tis is actually the exciting part of the show. Later, move on to Maggie Q being a assassin known together with Anya as "the china Dolls". CIA has a record and an agent on it. Daniel Wu again. I wonder y CIA has a part on it? Not interpol or FBI. Weird.
Then you know ah, the practise of commercialism is getting so rampant that it is similar to Hollywood. One scene on the two leads running into the Magnum ice-cream truck. It is so prominent and obvious. Y not WAlls? Y not Haagen Daz? Then came the part on how Maggie Q ran out of the truck. the delivery boy was stung. This is so clique of a TV ad of Magnum or product.
It obviously tried to target at the Westerners. Daniel Wu, Cheng Pei PEi and Maggie Q speak excellent, US english. It also placed Taichi in it. The power of temple and the prayers to goddess, having a wish coming true, granted by goddess, meditating and the Chi field of a person. Have you seen the ads by the Guiniess i tink? on cantonese movies were power come from the palm of the swordman????that u can fight using the bottles hanging in mid air? The scene reminds me of it, except that more sophisticated.
On the whole, it is a great disappointment to me. The ending even ridiculous. A japanese guy (Lien Kai) suddenly came in and killed Maggie Q's boss and best fren. Some more the guy is from Hong Kong lor....can tell one....
Then i go and read some comments and i get the gist after reading and not from watching.
世界各地发生多宗少女失踪个案,幕后策划是Madame M ,她专门诱拐并训练貌美少女,令她们成为防不胜防的床上杀手。一众女孩被软禁在荒岛上进行地狱式的特训,钻研各类型的战斗知识及暗杀技巧。活泼开朗的Charlene坚强沉郁的Katt先后抵达荒岛,二人在艰苦的考验中互相扶持。Madame M采用汰弱留强制度,如趁女孩们熟睡期间,突然下令每人必须杀死一个同伴,其中Charlene、Katt及另一女子Jing表现出色。Charlene及Katt首次执行任务时,由Charlene负责色诱目标,然后以戴在手上的钻戒割破对方喉咙。可惜逃走时却失手被擒,Charlene几乎死于枪下,幸好Katt于千钧一发之间救回拍档。
CIA专案小组指挥Jack一直致力捣破Madame M的杀人集团。在香港举行的一场龙舟竞渡中,Jack保护的要人竟是Charlene的目标。正要下手之际,Charlene竟重遇失散多年的母亲Faye。Jack穷追不舍,却给Charlene逃脱。Jack认定她会再度出现,于是日夜守在Faye身边等侯机会。
同时,Madame M拉拢日本赤军的龙三郎,合作更大规模的非法勾当。龙三郎觊觎Charlene的美色,竟在酒中下了强烈催情药以图强奸对方。Charlene在迷糊之下向Jack求助,更因药力影响而向他投怀送抱,令他惊喜交集。Jack极力自制而决定不会乘人之危,更悉心照料她,这对兵贼渐渐互生情愫。
Then I take a look at the scriptwriter : Wang Jing. No wonder lah....so crappy.
虽然安雅前不久有嗑药的绯闻传出,但本片的新闻点更多还是被放在了吴彦祖和Maggie Q这对旧情人身上。影片中,虽说兵贼难以相容,但相爱的故事再次发生在二人身上。从影片的片名里,很多人早就猜到故事里会有“赤裸”的东西存在,不过在影片上映前Maggie Q只说这是一部有关挣扎求存的电影,片中最重要的原素是动作,但眼下曝光的剧照中还是被人暴露了影片中的爱情故事里有激情戏。
这些本身并不值得大惊小怪的东西,因两人之前的特殊关系而被再次炒得火热。虽是动作片高手执导的动作片,但片中的演员除了配角郑佩佩之外,其他都难以算得上专业的动作演员。尤其是身为主角的Maggie Q,因为工作太忙,竟然连抽点时间出看别人拍打戏都不能。连同安雅,两位这样的弱女子竟然能在一个动作片高手执导的电影演出过关。如果程小东没有网开一面的话,那么二位拍片时受的伤一定不少。
吴彦祖演警察、拍动作片相对于他的演戏时间来说,经验算是很丰富了。相貌出色的人在电影里导演总是忘不了让他出卖一下色相。看看《游园惊梦》和《知法犯法》等影片,便不难发现,原来吴彦祖的色相很受导演青睐。程小东显然也看出他的优点和优势所在,同样给了他一个表演赤膊上阵的机会。近日网上点击率颇高的他和Maggie Q激情戏照片便是例证。郑佩佩的出现,则是让本片多了一些动作片的刺激,不过你别指望她会和当年一样有什么不错的表演,如今她应该只是装点门面的好东西。
Anyway, here is a picture of it
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