Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sports and $$$$

I spend the whole day watching the final presentation aim for the bid to become the next host city for 2012 Olympics.

I find that each candidate city have played different cards on their tables well.

Sleek presentation, colours and vibrancy, children and hope, culture and art, warmth and spirit.

Very nice outlook.

I had a bit of doubt myself when my whole family voted and rooted for Paris.

It turn out that London has won. My intuition was right after all

The event was rather full of prestige, glam and $$$.

I blanched a little when i saw NY's bid presentation including marketing ties. (juz one of the many examples, happen that this is quite recent.)

Though that is part of sports now, I will never get used to tying sports to $$$.

I rembr I wrote my A" level GP compo on it.

The best example that i use i think was Manchester United. It was already famous boosting David Beckham and so on. the earnings from side merchandising was equally a big tidy sum.

But without $$4, who will wish to host games for the name of sports?

God knows, if modern people have done enough exercise to keep themselves fit, let alone sports man.

1 comment:

valkylie said...

it's different lah.. we exercise to stay healthy.. professional atheles got talents we dont have and the amount of effort they put in to make they great makes them worth the money...

but we are in a materialistic world..