Thursday, June 21, 2007

Men who are good in suits

This topic has been in my mind for quite some time. I have always admire guys who looked really good, dashing, sauve, cool in suits.
Duno if this is the Fairy Tale syndrome, I've always like guys don either in suit or those oxford scholars, with vest and shirt on, regardless of whether they are in pants or jeans.
I am super duber crazy over that kind of look.
I think when I helped my brother to scout for clothes, I tend to dress him up like that which may be impractical due to our tropical climate.
Besides that, the guy who is donning that look, must have those strong triangle shaped shoulder, somewhat flat abs (Hidden by clothes or what i dun care)and quite tall.
That is a killer appeal to me.
Here are the list of actors that I feel have that look.


2. 明道

3. 郭品超

4. 言承旭

5. 金城武

6. 贺军翔

7. 霍建华


1. 朱智勋

2. 玄彬

3. 朴信阳

4. 金正勋

5. 李秉宪

6. 李东健

8. 在熙

9. 池珍熙

10. 车仁表

1. 黄晓明

2. 陆毅

3. 保剑锋

Hong Kong

1. 吴彦祖


1. 奥兰多·布鲁姆

2. 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥

3. 基诺里维斯


1. 立威廉

2. Guo Liang

3. Thomas Ong

Of coz the list is not exhaustive so check out the following website for more details!

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