Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Song by me!!!

Pathetic Freedom Paige Tan

Everywhere you go people tell you
Dont do this Dont do that
Government says this is too inappropriate
censor this censor that
Till Everything is so smooth
That you wonder Why do you have to hire a pro

Father says dont carry thing with one hand
Should carry it with both hands
Mother says dont go this path
otherwise you will regret
Even Younger brother has an order for you
I need your things Give it to me

Living in this world is so pathetic
Restrictions and worries everywhere
When you take one step out
Eventually you will retreat two steps behind
Why cant we just move as freely as we should
Why do we need to worry so much
Just for a frightful reponse You are so selfish

Pathetic freedom pathetic live
everyone seems to control you directly or indirectly
You cant even say no
You dont even have a choice
Suffering in silence
Hoping that all this will end swiftly

Strictly for my own expression. If you want it, juz ask!
I dun support piracy especially when its on me!

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