Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I saw a book on NLP. It set me thinking.
Am I or am I not a creature of habit?
I was still thinking even when I was having my walk in the park with my buddy.
Then as I was making my way home, it suddenly dawned on me.
You know like the light bulb suddenly burst into flame above my head.
I am definitely not a creature of habit in the strictest sense.
I might fall into the cycle of habit as I feel comfortable following a certain pattern like a success factor. I may repeat the same thing several times until there will be one time I get bored and think. Well If I can do it this way, is there another better way to do it?
Then I break out of the habit and seek a new way, which often means a failure at attempting to do the same thing in a different way.
I do not have OCD. I cannot follow through the same routine over and over again. I have problems with consistency.
For me, the flow of doing things will be best illustrated by the stock market charts. There are peaks and valleys.
The weight of consistency scares me off more than the fear of not succeeding once.
That's the irony of my life.
So different from others.

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