Monday, March 07, 2011

Cyber sleuth

There are some skills that even the change in the medium and technology will not diminish its popularity. One of them is sleuth.
Police have long use Internet to prowl for potential crimes and suspects. It is little wonder that people hire sleuths to check out the competitors, husband, wife or even partners online. It is a trade that will never die with time as the people's need to know other's secrets remains constant.
But sleuths have to brush up on their skills to be competent in hacking, cracking, programming beside the usual skills required. But do not assume that the usual skills for sleuthing is outdated as pieces of information crucial to the online world can be found in order to carry out a deeper foray online.
It is scary isnt it to have everything merge together to form a data profile that can be more revealing than the profile that government sectors or police has of a person.

The question is how much is one willing to disclose online for the sake of convenience?

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