That Day unfortunately is on the 10th July 2006, 8pm. Can you imagine having to wait and have your god-damn graduation at the evening??
Well, I was pretty nervous and wore down that day after having a mini quarrel with my dad.
We were arguing about the time and venue which I feel is pretty obvious.
But he isnt...anyway..let's not go into the details which will only make my blood boil.
Yup..but I managed to get there on time.
But the Robing room was still close so we had to make do with the ladies room.
haha....Sum1 say I looked shuai in my are a few photos before the ceremony..
Mum, Dad and Brother was off somewhere having some tea and coffee.
Here are some pictures before the ceremony..

Notice that this is taken before we wear our damn white sia. You know why? Coz the school tell us that White is the best colour for our gown.haha....

Here is one with my friend who got the job...haha...she manage to rush here after work. Man! Her workplace is damn close to the school. Lol.
Ok...Here is one whith all those girls that I like to hang out with in the School.haha....we almost did all our projects together wor..
Then we start to have what we called the department photo. many of us that there are hardly nice and eazy to pose.
Why? you would ask?
Well, unlike primary and Secondary school where there are benches and stuff, this one got absolutely nothing.So manay of us has to bend a bit.
Worse still, suddenly as the professional photographer takes photo, there were hundreds of flashes ranging at the same time.
Just like the walk of Fame down Hollywood for a movie premiere, starring all of us!
There are family members trying to get a picture and of course some duno what instant photo photographer trying to take picture so that can earn 5bucks per instant photo.
My eyes see stars all the way...

Can you spot me here??
Then we tried to collect our bags which we put at one corner.
Guess what???
Our bags are gone. Someone said it is with the security.
God-damn efficient security we have here, huh?
Hope they did not mistaken all of them as terrorist package huh!
What a scare they gave us!
Next we move to the robing room, pin up our sash and adjust the mortar board.haha...People were saying I look good with my hairstyle.haha...worse the money and the 5hours.
Following which, we move to the hall. That's where I realise where our school fees are gone.
Damn cold Air-con, the smoothly polished parquet floor that even flies will slide down, let alone me in heels.
Anyway, I found my seat which was at the corner.haha...a lot of space along the aisle.
Anyway, things start to get boring during the ceremony then suddenly, I saw someone fidgeting in his seat in the saw row as me.
Ohmigod! He lost his attendance card. It was a must that nite as you need it to enter the auditorium as well as scanning it for flashing your name according the screen while you are awarded the cert.
How could he have enter the auditorium yet lose the card?
Anyway, we called the usher to solve the problem.
Then the usher took the guy's matric card and went out. Minutes later, he returned.
Since I sit at the corner, he told me to pass the message to the guy. He said quite loudly," Tell him that this is the last card that we have. Ask him to keep properly."
Geez, I swear to say that my otherwise cool classmate was blushing. Man wat a rare sight to see him blushing with embarrassment in his goatee.
Then the ceremony went on and on.
After that I tried to find mom but not avail!
Turn out she has a very embarrassing story of her own. About a ring...Gosh, I am not supposed to say it.
Here are the remainder photos haha....

Here is one of my groupmate who a lot of girls thinks she is beautiful and shapely. Nice looking right?

This is the picutre taken with our 1st class Honours Caizi and his best friend, also mine too.

This one is taken with a good-natured gal in our class. Always pink up on her cheeks, ooh..she likes sports a lot, mind you.

This is one of the informal family photo. Haha....seen how the peaks and valleys are formed here.haha...mum was quite sore about this. haha.... is one intimate photo with mama..haha....notice her wu-nai expression. haha......just love this photo. Very natural right?
2nd row, 3rd from the left!
Like that u also can find...very good ah...
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