I had mixed dates up so I had to go to this career fair for Vivocity with Ling and I jio my classmate, Qin with me so that later we could head to the Uni for the Homecoming.
Quite a lot of pple attended the fair but being new to this, I duno wat to expect so I just take a light-hearted approach.
On the way to school, we meet up with Zhen but she has to buy something so we set off first.
Another surprise we had was that a pair of tourists asked us how do we get to the cable car. God knows how long I have not been on one.
Then at the bustop, we saw a senior, Shaun. Wah...so long nvr see still ever the same.hehe...
the bus ride was pretty fast and we reach a good ten minutes earlier so we walk around the empty school..
here are some pictures.

Empty corridors.

This is the lecture theater that allows me to meet my fave lecturer, Dr Shim and help me made my decision on my major.

The top of AS7. Though not the highest building but one of the secret walkways that link up buildings. IF you are not a chinese major, you wun know this. Hell, I am consider half of them. hehe.

This one overlooked the Port. haha...nice view.
Yup..So we go on to the Homecoming. Meet a lot of friends and we start to chit chat, food was great!
Then we naturally took few pictures.
Alas! I din take out my cameras so hehe...see how if i can manage to secure the photos then.
WE saw a couple of lecturer's kids and gosh, aren't they clever? Expecially the little girl who know s how to be the centre of focus during photoshoots.Wah piang. Guys are just accessories. Machiam she qian tu wu liang.
Saw a couple of seniors and they are like hanging on their own. Wah kau. DAO is the word for them. anyway, din like them. I also saw the XXX's ex bf. Well, I get to see him every 6mths even though we graduated liao. Haiz.wonder wat's wrong with me or him. Anyway, he doesnt seem to recognise me so i dun bother lah. But given his present profession, supposedly to notice details, i would say to his trainers, BUCK UP guys, u got a long way to go. haha....
The food is fantastic.hehe....wah...only wonderful thing there besides sitting with friends.
that's all, yawnz..gonna sleep soon.
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