Sunday, March 21, 2010

State of Unrest

I always has this state of unrest after a period of being in my comfort zone for too long. I yearn to do something new, something drastic and something challenging.
Not sure if anyone ever feel this way, the feeling is rather intense at times and I just loathe myself for not able to do anything.
Why am I unable to carry out anything?
One, I dun have a concrete plan. Relying on passion and impulse is not going to get anyone anywhere, better still may land the person in hot soup. Once you have a plan, passion will then comes in and motivate people to strive for their goals.
Sounds a lot like procrastination huh?
But the fact is that after the period of unrest, the awareness of cruel reality seeped in. What is the contingency plan that I have should my adventure fails? Do I have the resources to pull it off? I am still in debt repayment. Actually, what I lack I believe besides a concrete plan is financial resources and network.
All that sort of dampen my spirit to do something drastic until the next surge of unrest hits me again.
Then someone triggered and stirred up the surge of unrest in me when I am in the dormant stage.
Not only did he make my brain work overtime, the feelings of unrest starts to gnaw me again.
He mentioned the following:

1. It is good that I feel the state of unrest and being dissatisfied with my present life.

2. It is good to be unrealistic and have this big rather impossible dream as there is a fine line between a madman and a genius.

3. There is a difference between gifted and talented. Gifts are limitless and innate in everyone while talents ae additional bonus that each one of us may or may not have.

Can you imagine the inner turmoil I have upon hearing this?
Hmm....there is a revolution going on in my mind.
I have never thought of it this way. Dreams I have but...
It is always BUT behind...
Let me think very hard on it and reflect.......

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