Sunday, February 15, 2004

Karmic lessons...for leo

Leo: Karmic Life Lessons
The Lion is quite the fitting Symbol for Leo: Like the King of the Jungle, it is a proud, golden, regal energy. When Leo receives the attention and admiration it seeks, it is energetic, optimistic, romantic, demonstrative and a lot of fun. Leos make wonderful actors, as they crave the spotlight and do great things when they're in it. The trouble for a Leo comes when the spotlight is challenged or taken away or when the audience isn't as appreciative as Leo wishes it were. When that happens, Leo's sensitive side may come to the fore, leading to dejection and unhappiness.

As it is ruled by the Sun, the central, most life-giving force of our Universe, Leo sometimes believes it is the center of everything as well. Others may see this as a case of egotism and when paired with Leo's stubborn pride, it could add up to a big pain in the neck! Behind egotism, however, often lies insecurity. Leo must consider why it needs to claim the center of attention -- and the answer may come as a surprise. Is it that Leo feels inwardly insecure and relies on outward attention to feel worthy and valid? Most of us share this insecurity; all of us simply have to recognize it. The more internal balance we can develop, the less any of us needs external support. As Karmic Astrology teaches us, all we have is ourselves, and our Selves are plenty. Leo doesn't need to be awe-inspiring to deserve love and appreciation; being a living, functioning being of the world is plenty. As a modification of the well-known saying, Leo would do well to adopt the motto, "I exist, therefore I am loved."

Leo's urge to be appreciated can lead to being boastful or arrogant, but this can cause problems when human fallibility kicks in. One of Leo's most admirable qualities is its dignity, but that can be overridden by emotional over-sensitivity if Leo feels someone has "cut it down to size." There's no need to get overly upset when that happens; instead, try to remember that everyone is equal and all people make mistakes from time to time. It's acceptable; it's human. When we're all on the same level, we're close and connected -- and connection is one of the most worthy pursuits of human experience.

Perhaps Leo's most famous weakness is its vanity. Those born under the Sign of the Lion are often teased for their love of mirrors, in which they brush their manes of hair until they gleam. While appearances are the first things that meet the eye, there are many far more important indicators of a person's character or worth. Good looks fade, but inner character only gets stronger with age. And Leo possesses tremendous strength of character! Demonstrably kind, dignified and generous, Leo would do well to develop those traits rather than paying so much attention to looks and fashion.

Leo can look to other Signs of the Zodiac to help learn its Karmic lessons. Taurus can teach Leo about steady patience, to work toward goals no matter how long it takes to reach them rather than relying on flash for effect. Scorpio can teach Leo about depth -- while Leo thinks it's powerful, Scorpio possesses true power; Scorpio isn't afraid to roll in the mud. And Leo can learn from Aquarius's innovative, behind-the-scenes work about how to step out of the spotlight and focus on truly bettering the world for all.

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