Leo Career Profile
If there's someone who likes being the center of attention, it's a Leo. And why not? Those born under this Sign are giving, proud, energetic, confident -- the world can't help but look! That is as it should be, says the Lion. They're firebrands with plenty of smolder in their eyes and a golden glow all around. Leos are focused in their work and make excellent team leaders. The Lion is also a risk-taker, someone who wants the world (for starters) and often gets it.
Whether it's for a big project or a noble cause, getting the Lion to jump on board is a shrewd move -- and one that's sure to attract attention! These folks can't help but be in the limelight, thanks to their larger-than-life personality. Hand-in-hand with this is an infectiously positive attitude. Colleagues are often quick to seek out the Lion as a role model, since those signature qualities of leadership, truth and justice are ones that many seek. However, Leos must be careful not to indulge in selfishness or manipulation or to fall into a state of complacency. And as for all that primping and posing, Lion: enough is enough! Yes, life is a banquet, and you are the star, but do you really want to let yourself go that way?
As much as the Lion likes being in the spotlight, there really is plenty of room for a team to assemble all around. Is there a game to be won? a deal to close? The Lion's team is the winning team, and a happy bunch of cats it is.
The Leo office is likely to be overwhelmed by the throne behind the desk. And you thought it was a chair? Ha! That desk, of course, is gleaming mahogany, as is the well-stocked liquor cabinet in the corner. Lions are usually driven around in Bentleys, but will take the wheel of a Lexus if they're at a start-up. Cutting a deal with Leo over lunch? It'd better be the Ritz!
Leos are well suited as managers, architects, inventors, teachers, athletes and Presidents.
Leo Career Guide
Here are some occupations that a Leo might consider:
Actor Amusement park employee Announcer Art dealer Artist Athlete Cardiologist CEO Celebrity Comedian Director Educator Entertainer Entrepreneur Exhibitor Goldsmith Marketer Master of ceremonies Movie maker Park ranger Performer Politician Principal Professor Publicist Resort manager Spokesperson Stockbroker TV anchor Talk show host Teacher Theatrical agent Tour guide
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