Friday, December 09, 2005


Today go out with frenz from same faculty.
Then meet another guy, I supposed that he dislike me.
Let me sit in the time shuttle and zoom you back to...

2003 Economic class

So long ago!!!

Yeah! Be patient

We are having this lecture with a boring economics lecturer whom I termed as " law ding" (Please read it in hokkien, for those who duno, it is lamp- post in hokkien)
As usual, I sit with my clicks...and this guy sit right in front of me.
due to the boring nature of the class, we start to talk.
I dun think we are very loud.
He turned his head anyway and stared at us.
Tot he hate us at that moment
so I din dare to tok to him for the rest of the years till today.
Friendly guy out of sudden.
Tok to us and even walk to the mrt together with us.
I would have faint by now.

Yeah, tot he hate me turn out he is still friendly.
Wonder why.

haha...forget it lah...since it is over liao...

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