Wednesday, December 15, 2004

New Blogskin

hahahaha......PPle, i have juz change my blogskin....hehehe.....nice?
How are all of ya?
Me haven been updating.......Pardon me......i will do so in a few days time.....hopefully i get beta.....
Cya...n enjoy in the meantime!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Exam finally over Liao!!!!!

hahaha......finally everything is over.....whew!!!
Now I have time to think of other insignificant things.....things that i have never tot b4....
I met Min and Val last week.....we had nice time together...though they have to suffer when i pick my clothes.....Thanks gals for ur patience.....nonetheless, quite right that i am very critical of myself...very very stringent on myself.......
We sit in Sakae to tell story n update ourselves......min said her piece......Val's....then mine....i got nothing to say of boring life......nothing sparkles in this dead water......
then Min said something that i never tot deeper myself.....i just take it for granted....i guess.......
She said me n E are very close.......very very close.......
I am quite stunned by this statement....completely blow me off..........i started to reflect upon it....
the times when we hang around, CCS days.......throwing coconuts n chasing each other......cracking about dreams......Very memorable times that we have....
That's y i couldnt bear when sum1 say i brought sufferings to him....i would never never do that to any1 i treasure........NEVER!!!!
I am not a monster.....that's y that yr's Mid-Autumn Festival was the saddiest one i have ever had........that feeling was so horrible......words that pierced my heart........that time...i tot of going on drinking spree.......but it is so late liao....i scared mum i walk aimlessly around that nite..........wandering.....till i finally reach i did it...i do not know either......
I remember i drown myself in water instead.......drinking n drinking....locked myself up in my room.....crying softly......
that's when i start to drift apart from him....i guess.....i did not want to look or feel like an executioner to my friends.....bringing sad memories......
Seriously, when he asked me about that question with a straight-faced......i still laugh when i recall it......never such a tot came across me funny n still is......after that incident...i tot comtemplate n weigh the possiblility of such relationship.......i toyed with the idea...but i still dun think it is possible.......we are so alike.....he is a very good buddy......i feel safe around him.....easy n simple.....enjoyed talking to him........till i changed after the "A"s results........
I guess that relationship will still remain as it is.....i guess........
This entry has no meaning other than to show n clarify certain things that i have in least wat i tot.....

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

How much u are worth?

I'm worth $1,883,948.54! How much are you worth?

Friday, November 12, 2004

古灵, <一家都是宝> I n II

开启我继续看言情小说的就是她了. 她的小说给人一种很幸福的感觉,很圆满.不论男女主角性格有多古怪, 他们相爱就够了. 虽然不是每一本都好看, 但大多数让我非常感动. 有她的作品就不需要再幻想有没有男朋友的日子了. 精神会得到一种满足, 至少世界不是完全黑暗的.









执子之手,与尔同老,说说而已就很容易,真正要做到却是一件很难的事情。尤其是对於一个患上重病的人来说,要许下这样的承诺,更是困难。可是,我们都知道,要克服疾病,如同克服困难一样,除了要有方法(高明的医术) ,还需要有坚强的意志。多少患上癌症的病人就是凭其过人的意志而克服了那据说必死的疾病?



一些后言∶古灵的书,对白幽默风趣,用粤语来形容就是很“鬼马”“抵死”。在她的书里头,总有最别出心裁的情节蹦出来,给人特别的笑果和惊喜。而以情为本,其书里面的爱情、亲情和友情等又描绘得如此扣心细腻,让人看了忍不住留下了泪。虽然某纱不是她的粉丝,可是她的小说某些还是让人爱不释手的。这本《一家都是宝》和《一家都是宝PART II》就是其中的经典。虽然后来古灵尝试了更丰富的路线来写文,也在文中加入一些非常新颖的主题,甚至连外星人、见鬼等等都出动了。可是,最叫我喜欢的,反而是这本讲着简单青梅竹马的爱情故事。能感动人的,从来都不是太复杂的东西。

古灵《一家都是宝》:古灵《一家都是宝Part 2》:


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Good flashes!!!

hia......please give me more time to update my maintenance.....for now...have abreak....take a lah...wat i mean is take some break...
Suddenly realise that Jay Zhou's lyrics very enjoy....

Monday, November 01, 2004

yeah....agree with this!

倚天人物里,我对郭襄何足道是欣赏,对周芷若是理解,而对张翠山殷素素,则是发自内心的喜欢。记得第一次看倚天,“百岁寿宴摧肝肠”之后,几乎就没了继续看下去的欲望,满脑子都是张殷二人与谢逊的生死周旋、化敌为友,风浪里的爱情,荒岛上的温馨,归航中的隐忧,直至最后寿宴上的惨烈,一幕幕场景都清晰无比,不可磨灭。从那时起,便用了“情深义重”四个字作他们的评语,并且坚定不移地把他们作为我最喜欢的金书中情侣,一直到现在。 后来,一个偶然的机会,我才惊讶地发现:一向自认为喜欢张殷的我,原来对他们初遇那一段的情节几乎都不记得了!是的,在遇到谢逊以后,他们的人生之舟大逆转了方向,急流险滩纷至沓来,极富张力的情节吸引了当年的我所有的目光,最后辉煌的死亡更是掩盖了一切阴影,也中止了一切其他的可能性。而事隔三年以后,重温倚天前十回的我合上书的时候,是一声叹息。
情之一字,其神如此。 到了二人同上冰火岛,准备结为夫妇之时, [quote]殷素素道:“五哥,我有句话问你,你可不许骗我。倘若咱们是在陆地上,没经过这一切危难,倘若我也是这般一心一意要嫁给你,你也仍然要我么?”张翠山呆了呆,伸手搔搔头皮,道:“我想咱们不会好得这么快,而且,而且……一定会有很多阻碍波折,咱们的门派不同……”(谁泛冰舸来仙乡)[/quote]
张翠山说的是实话,可是,却并没有回答殷素素的问题。而聪明如殷素素,也没有再问。因为她明白,以当时的情势,这个问题的答案如何,已经没有意义。但我们不妨做个遐想,假如他们当时真的回到陆地,抛开张翠山势必要追查俞岱岩之事不说,如果一桩像殷梨亭那样的名门正派亲事找上门来,张翠山会如何选择,大概是注定的吧。即使在与殷素素结婚十年之后,他一听说殷梨亭定亲,立刻问道:“新娘子是哪一位 名门 之女?”俞莲舟夸赞纪晓芙也道:“咱们这位未过门的六弟妹人品既好,武功又佳, 名门 弟子,毕竟不凡,和六弟当真是天生一对……”大抵名门正派的得意弟子,思维定式便是如此吧,反倒不如张三丰老头子看得开。 然而,他们是在远离了一切社会关系的荒岛之上。天作之合,这四个字最适用的,便是张殷二人。荒岛十年,艰苦凶险自不待言,可是他们(尤其是张)却慢慢由焦躁不耐变成心安意足自得其乐,临去时甚至生出留恋之意。再履中土之后,夫妇两还不止一次地说起过“找到无忌便回冰火岛去”的话。一入红尘便有去意,这让人想起什么?对了,就是金庸书中从头到尾都是童话的杨龙姻缘。张殷终于没有能再回冰火岛,所以张殷只是半截童话。所以我们眼睁睁看着,童话在现实里碎裂。
两下见过面, [quote]殷素素是宾方首席,无忌侍立在侧。主方是俞莲舟为首,他指着卫四娘下首的一张椅子道:“五弟,你坐这里罢。”张翠山应道:“是。”依言就座。这么一来,张殷夫妇分成宾主双方,也便是相互敌对的两边。(七侠聚会乐未央)[/quote]
这个不祥的暗示,已经很明显了吧。一入人世,尖锐的矛盾冲突便找上门来,避无可避。接着俞莲舟要张翠山跟他回武当,只呼殷素素为“殷姑娘”,明摆着是要他夫妻分离。还好这时,殷素素望望天,望望甲板,张翠山还记得起那“天上地下永不分离”的誓言。 出海归来以后的殷素素,在武当诸人看来,似乎已经“改恶向善”,其实她虽因为孩子增了一些慈爱之心,深层的本性何尝变过。看她在船上使计教训骂她是“妖女”的西华子,看她装疯巧救被挟持的儿子,心思手段仍是果断斩绝,丝毫不拘迂礼,哪有张翠山那般面临大敌也不肯偷袭的呆气。俞莲舟初见面便将她教训一顿,殷素素又何尝不着恼?但是她暗想:“我才不听你这一套仁义道德呢。但若我冲撞于你,倒是令张郎难于做人,我且让你一步便了。”仍然是,可以妥协,可以容让,但并不改变自己。说到底,张翠山始终是执著于正邪善恶概念的君子,殷素素虽然有所改变,本性却仍然是洒脱叛逆、快意恩仇的江湖人。
吴霭仪评点金书人物时说,若是再过几年,殷素素必会被这酸秀才(张翠山)闷死。语带调侃,却也道出了张殷性格大不相同的主题。 “琢磨颇望成全璧,激烈何须到碎琴?”这是鹿鼎记里一句全不相干的回目,却鬼使神差的如同张殷夫妇的谶语。饶是殷素素心机玲珑,饶是张翠山善良淳厚,饶是他们对这一份十年的感情都有着百般的呵护千般的琢磨,但二人的本性终究有着不可调和的鸿沟,牵涉到的江湖恩怨又是那样错综复杂解不开的结,他们又不像郭黄有着彼此都认为高于自身的共同事业作为根本寄托……特殊机缘下滋养生长起来的爱情一旦入了人间,自然人还原成社会人,这块玉璧,便只有碎裂一途。这一幕“玉碎”是那样的惊心动魄,那样的华彩和决绝,使得玉璧上隐隐的裂纹,永远没有了被发现的可能。张爱玲写的《霸王别姬》里,虞姬的最后一句话是:“我比较喜欢那样的收梢。”同样,这样一个“玉碎”的收梢,其实对于张殷二人,尤其是对于殷素素,未必不是一件幸事。 只是,想到十九岁的殷素素,在海船中犹豫不愿放银针射谢逊,只因怕回了大陆张翠山会舍她而去,这样才换得冰火岛十年夫妻;而十年之后回到大陆,二十九岁的殷素素,却仍然挽不住张翠山为了义气自刎,不禁黯然……这样的苦心,真是“琢磨颇望成全璧”啊。
张翠山“死志甚坚”的时候,记得向张三丰托付无忌,却并没有半句话关照妻子。可是,利刃断喉的那一刻,他的心里可曾掠过殷素素的笑颜么?垂柳扁舟、斜风细雨、冰海危船、惊涛骇浪、岛上猎熊、爱子降生,这些无比珍贵的生活点滴,在那一瞬间,难道都被强烈的道德感驱赶得精光?“不管天上地下,人间海底,咱们永远在一起。”这誓言当年出自张翠山的口,而最终使它得以实践的,是殷素素。 人们通常认为,“正邪之恋”的代表是令狐冲和任盈盈。其实这两个人却是共有隐士的澹泊胸襟,性格在本质上也都属于洒脱随和一类,他们结合的障碍只是纯粹的门户之见,而不像张殷那样,是因为成长背景不同导致的性格、价值观的根本性矛盾。任盈盈更是比殷素素乖巧许多,在令狐冲身边完全就是个温顺小女生,虽然有时也说一两句“宁可一剑刺死了你”的狠话,可是那已经是情人间的玩笑,何况她极懂得拿捏分寸。一部笑傲看下来,像张殷那般经常折射出思想格格不入的对话,在冲盈间竟找不到什么。说来也奇怪,满口仁义道德、强调“正道”的岳不群,偏偏教出令狐冲这样真正洒脱澹泊不存成见的徒弟;张三丰智慧通达、毫不拘泥,最心爱的弟子张翠山却偏偏是那么一个严谨迂直的人。
张翠山无疑比令狐冲更像一个典型的正派弟子,而将殷素素、黄蓉、任盈盈、敏敏特穆尔这几个都被称作“妖女”的女子一比便知,“妖气”最重的,性情最强的,乃是殷素素。张殷的恋情才是真正的“正邪之恋”,真实可感,却也无奈而残酷。落花流水春去也,天上人间。也许只有在冰火岛那样的世外桃源,才容得下这一对璧人吧。 (注:本文曾发在TOM游戏论坛,用的名字是 白虹贯日 。)

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Some jokes to relax upon.....hahahahaa......

  接着教授的声音又出现了:“有啥事?问候请按1,问成绩请按2,讨论问题请按3,其他请按4。”   于是我按了2。

past life!

Your Past Life:
The Soldier -- You may have spent your past life defending the rights of others and your country.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Wat a fantastic stroke of luck!!!!

Cant imagine this.........i went thru this yday.....
in the morning i went to sch ...originally suppose to be my free day...but ah..i can finish my work n i need my lecturer's advice so my fren n i went to c her.....
When i get off Bus....a mist condense in my i take off n wipe it this moment the frame juzt burst out.....the screw came loose n i had my lens on my palms....then as i struggles to place it back...the lens frop to the pool of murky water....on the floor...n it broke....actually chip off a miserable sia......i got no $$$ liao n my spec just broke.....haiz...then i went to c lecturer lor...
she n me had a nice chat after grading my improvement....but still dun get the main idea....she say i will make it...but i doubt it....she very clever when i ask something specific about exam format.....she answered me in exchange for news on the teaching conducted by the teaching asst......hahaha.....i got sly.......neutral answer....
then go n mit mum go c doc.....very illness not yet recovered....
then go optical eyesight failing......choose the frame also took me so long.....wah...140buck leh......burn a hole in my pocket........

Thursday, 28/10
i was the tutor for the day of my tutorial...all i did was read the questions...coz i really duno wat the paper is about...then topic change to pokemon n i was so shocked...i din watch cartoons for long time....haiz....

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Very true of the romance novels

hahaha....take a look at this..very interesting









"是,我是想飞上枝头变凤凰,想钓个金龟婿,想不劳而获,想过少奶奶的生活,买漂亮的时装,戴名贵的珠宝,出入上流社会,这离谱吗?有哪个少女不梦想变成灰姑娘?你认为我下贱,为了嫁你不择手段,卑躬屈膝,你认为我想吗?如果我是石油大亨的千金,我还用这样吗?  至于追求财富,这不是现实的社会所推崇的吗?每一个人不都在做吗?只是方法各异罢了。一个穷学生,我所做的没有伤害任何人,一切全在法律与道德允许的范围内,我错在哪里了?而你们为了敛取财富,用尽手段,巧取豪夺,为富不仁,你敢拍胸口说你所花的每一分钱全是血汗钱,全是干干净净的,没逼别人跳楼自杀,贪婪如你们,有什么资格教训我?"


Sorry Pals....I am VEry EXTRMELY do bear with me!!!!
Let me update a few things...hope u dont mind my longwinded ness!!!

5/10, Tuesday
hahhahaha.....wo de yi de xiao...ya deo yi de xiao......
i am laughing like siao...coz i did the most crazy thing today......
i answered a very simple( to me) and important question in front of the whole lecture group is the picture
the lecturer was very pissed off when a few pple tok, including the front row...there got 1 act cute gal who got scolded for toking in another class...
he warned them 3X, yet they very buey he dropped a bombshell"wat is the difference between capitalism and modernity?"
instantaneously.....everyone quieten now.......sum1 tried to answer but incomplete.So he said,"i shall continue the class after some1 answer me."he pulled a chair towards him and settle down, sipping from a can of coke...enjoying himself...
then i tot mayb some1 knows it..then i dun nid to answer coz i not very certain....then me n frenz start to discuss n it refresh my memory.....
then i think he is serious of not starting the class.....normally when no1 answer, lecturer will continue wif the class...egged on by my frenz....i had no choice but to say it loudly....
he is impressed n say"excellent!" and he gets up n started class..
classmates were clapping their hands for me from behind....
my frenz n groupmate were commenting i am a hero...
who knows i am trembling n face was flushed after i said hands cold n tremble....i hate speaking aloud........
he didnt manage to finish all the lecture notes n told us to read on our own, included in exam some more...haiz.......

12/10, Tuesday
Terrible sia..i overspend.....jialat...i think i beta stop my spending spree....but wat have i bought? i cant seem to rembr anything major...scared the hell out of me when i realsie i have got oli few bucks left in my Piggy.....oh piggy has become the kids u c in starvation situation......wat am i going to do????? can i give her some of my fats???

16/10 Saturday
i start to feel very...extremely uncomfy.......i have running nose and cant seem to stop...worse still, i got blocked ears....cant seem to hear anythign soft....but i had to go out wif choice....bro tried to call me....but my hp in bag...cant help in noisy settings...then suddenly i caught it but it was too late......he came to find us.......i got a huge tirade from him!!!! for the rest of the day, he provoked me all the mad sia...not my fault that i cant hear....noisy settings, blocked ear and running nose are deadly combination..he wun hear it......haiz....
mama pity me so she buy some peppermint leaves to boil for me drink....hehehehe.....thz ma....muack!!!

17/10 Sunday
now i know, misfortune dun come singlehandly, they will bring partners!!!!!! my mum hurried me out of sudden to c a very strange i rush out of my room...but as u cable connecting to the router on the floor....i din c it so my left big toe caught it in between....and like i was playing rugby...catching the ball in landing position........except it is concrete and i am having a fall!!!! ouch..i was shocked and angry that i fell.....then i felt sharp pain..but think it is nite time i know the severity of the big toe cant bend!!!!!!!!and walking hurt like SNB!!!!!
resigned to my fate, i get some hot water from the boiler n do hot compress n rub some medicated need to c "die-da" sinseh..........
Pearl Harbor extreme cool!!!!! hahaha....two episodes sia...but i have a question...y does JOsh Hartnett have to die? y not that Damn Ben Affleck? he survived Armangaddon...he must fall in Pearl Harbor.....isnt it a cycle?y must shuaige die??? sob sad.....

19/10 Tuesday
i feel my flu getting serious.....very bad....but i cant go c doc..i got project to hand in tml....nid to do a lot of things as i discover that i copy wrong things..have to re-do....magic hour again......

20/10 Wednesday
i sleep at 4 am this morning n i get up at 6am...yawnz.....i was late for the 1st lecture...i din mind liao....the lecturer quite angry sia..but i bo bian lah......
my fren ask how's the project coz she seen me yesterday...i shown her the work...she says, impressive...u rushed all these out????
then heng my translation tutor din say anything abt my interpretation.....u know y? coz i din do note-taking....i did instant translation.....suppose to be the difficult part...but i went thru it fine for three times....whew!!!!

21/10 Thursday
Buay tahan liao...i was forced by dad like sending to the chung hwa family doc away on i went in register...staff so slow n a bit duff on the system used..cant type my name.....then i blurt out my telephone number wrongly.....i say05 instead of dad glared at me.......
then wait for my turn........long wait...i manage to finish my translation h/w......
then went in ...old lady..she fidget very long on computer that i want to fall asleep....she din seem capable at 1st glance...maybe i was wrong....then she ask about my name.....very strange meh? she ask me how to write......i tot she cant do it on her computer again.....after that..she ask me,"are u a PRC?"
i was like "WHAT?!!!!!" i am a true,blueblood SINGAPOREAN!!!!!! furthermore, a hybrid between Malaysian n Singaporean shouldnt yield PRC, Peranakan mayb......
then she also shocked n say,"u Singaporean?" i nodded ...barely concealed my shock n anger....i was given a slip of paper wif my data all on it b4 i went in the room...i gave the slip to her n she did even c my NRIC had my birthyear on can i be a PRC???!!!! ridiculous.....
then she key in things some more...suddenly turn towards me and ask," shen me shi? (wat?)"
i was blur for 3 sec......i was there becoz "wo you shi" otherwise i would be sitting there......then it dawn on me that she was asking for symptoms.......then i was like shd ask,"you she me zheng zhuang?(wat are ur symptoms?)"
then after that i ask if my voice will be ok after a feel days' rest? she replied an answer that nearly make me fall off my chair, "chi yao jiu hui hao lor (eat medication n u will b fine!!!!)" isnt it obvious.....i am asking how long will it take roughly..coz i got a presentation coming up and oral.....
then she told me to gargle with saltwater..i nearly rolled up my eyes.....wat an TRADITIONAL n useless confirm she is very incompetent.......
I told this to my parent...both roar wif laughter over PRC part....start calling me zhong-guo-mei....mum even suggest i play with the doc by using faked beijing accent to reply the following, "oh, ni zhen me zhi dao? ni tai li hai le. (oh, how did u know? u are very clever.)"
i got three lines down my forehead.........the medicine very bitter n the pills so big.....poor me......have to drink coz my thing pileing up liao..

22/10 Friday
Short day turn long day.....i mit groupmate..n pple suay me say i am very hyperactive today....full of ideas...meaning i not so clever during the normal days lah....
then i rushed to do work b4 i c my two OGL mates occupying the left n right side of me.....i felt crows juz flew past my head......
the one of the right say nothing....i was absorbed in that i din c him after much later....he changed a i not sure if him....the left one form a powerful tension as he sit beside me.....he called me n of course i respond..i din know wat to say n i mispronounced his name......actually i behave like siao kids online so i afraid to c him also..he ask very sensitively if i dun like to c him? i quickly say no....but i was trying to rush my work, nid to hand in which is true.....then he say oh......ok...carry on...dun mind me....
i heaved a sigh of relief inwardly......i continued wif my work...he looked at me very intently on how i work..i feel so uncomfy.....then when he left...i juz say this time, the guy on my right start to fidget....he recognised the other guy n of course me....but he din say anything n so i din say anything...
i got a worse than ever imagined lecture from my lecturer on my work...she literally blasted at me for my whole work was ruined at the end of her tirade.....i nid to re-do a new piece.....haiz.....u know wat class this is? translation......

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

wah...sure or not?

You're a curious baby, and proud of it. Anything
that you haven't seen or heard of before
perplexes you, and you just HAVE to know more
about it.

What Kind Of Baby Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla chiam

You have White Wings! Pure and innocent, your
kindness attracts other people toward you. You
can be shy and quite, but when others know you
better, they realize you are fun and bubbly.
You hate it when other around you are sad, and
always see the good in everyone and everything.
Chances are you either help in the shelter, or
are a tutor in school. You are very kind and
friendly, but also quite nave. Dont be fooled
by looks. Some things do go bump in the night.

What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix!
brought to you by Quizilla

wat flirt is this?

cute flirt
Cute Flirt

What Kind of FLIRT are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, September 26, 2004

how is it?

You're Racus!

Gundam Seed Character Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla nice!!!1

You came from heaven. Your gole in life is to help
others and to make the world a better place.
Some call you weak, but in reality your soul is
very strong. If only more people were like

Where did you come from?
brought to you by Quizilla

Min's Birthday Celebration!!!!

Finally after my test, I can relax sia...Way so long haven c them...duno how have they been...Anyway...I start my day cleaning the hse....SURPRISE???!!!

Well, becoz sum1's coming to our hse so have to put on the best behavior n situation sia...A bit sly ah......But that's the way things are mah...Show the best side...dun let mama malu mah....wait got no food to eat... then visit Val who's cleaning the wat mama say she's a very hardworking if left on my own...will die lah.....hehehehe.....anyway ask her to return my very very overdue book....Thanks ya, gal!!!!

Came n gone and i din go n mit Vallerie and the rest...sorry sia....Those kids of my cousins.....buay tahan sia...if my kids , will definitely spank their buttocks....kid little terrors....jump here, jump there....touch here touch there.....wah....cant stand sia....juz like their dad when they were young...alwaz bully me......create havoc........then my bro a bit siao when pple came.....he alwaz say i too fake.....u know y?


c' is simple and friendly gesture when pple came to ur hse..u nid to c if they nid anything....n smile rite???!!! this guy call me FAKE!!!!...boiling sia.....Y not say himself fake when he can tok sweetly to his frenz on phone while roaring at us????!!!!!

Then the celebration at marina bay...i tot me n xin were running late...i panicked a little but xin was so zai!!!!! she steady ah...say dun worry...we wun b late...tru enuff we arrive very early....hehehe..then we mit liling at the mrt stn...the gals call us to go n book seats...but hor..i find a wide $$$$ differencefor shops on the left and shops on the right...the shops on left is $12..while the other's lowest is $ i phone n tok then decide to get to the $9 poor...

Turn out tat the waiter want to cheat my $$$...he told me $10..when the gals at the mrt stn say $9...i told him n he say:"9 ah....9 lor!!!!". Wah...if i din say...does that me we still nid to pay 1dollar more?....then the whole cooking process is a terror...everyone got attack by the oil.....haiz....squirting here n there.......i kana many times lor...that i nearly want to hide under the table....Next time when times improve n my piggy get fatter...we can go Seoul Garden....safer sia.....

Realise that the gals late coz chose pressie for a 37degree bag for her.....then we laugh n joke along the way.....I repeat once more i am not going to do pole dancing ah.........ask ah gu to bring u c the real thingy.....

we sort of decide to celebrate xmas in a big package n play till crazy.....hehehehe

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Updates for the Week!!!!

as u all know, now is my holidays...hehehehe....So there wun be much happening since I din go out n coop at home to study for my test.....But a few things happen

First is my dear Cybercrime lecturer.....She together wif our dear Tutor, decided that my team will do another debate next week which mean I have to hand in the troublesome n tedious debate brief again by And....I aredi very hectic wif my project liao.....Yet she still gif me this kinda crap!!!! Make me go down to sch on wed to discuss.

then Xin came into the pic...That poor gal...She fail a few items for her NAFA and envy me no nid to go for it....she want to tok to me about it....chitchat a bit but I din have time for her since I have test....So hopefully..I am able to chat wif her today!!!!

Finally, yday's test...I nearly vomit blood n want to bleed myself to death....y leh...the test was realli ez...far too ez...anyway who study wil know how to do.....but me too happy till i overlooked certain points and there goes my marks.....sob.sob.....

Worse still, i saw HIM sitting right in the row behind me when i went into the LT for when i turn accidentally, he looked at me while i looked at him.....SHOCKED sia.......wah kau...i never sit so close to him b4 leh............very fan.........guess i am not steady enuff....otherwise i wun let this kinda of feelings hurt my grades....

Monday, September 20, 2004

Min's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Min!!! Hope that ur life in camp gets BEtter!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

oh realli so??!!! i duno..wat do u all think?

Your soul is bound to the Rose Bud: The

"I keep all of my secrets somewhere inside
and though I haven't let myself shine to the
world, I'm good for something but too good to
give to you."

The Rose Bud is associated with innocence,
curiosity, and confidence. It is governed by
the god Cupid and its sign is The Dewdrop, or
Puppy Love.

As a Rose Bud, you may have grand ideas about love
and you may well be inexperienced. You tend to
be optomistic, idealistic, and curious, but
it's just because you like being a positive
person. You also may have high thoughts of
yourself, and can come off a bit conceited, but
it's just a mask to hide your lack of

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla


The Moon Card
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter
the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the
stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the
imagery we find here may inspire us or torment
us. Understanding the moon requires looking
within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in
this luminary that circles the earth every
month and reflects the sun in its progress.
Listening to those rhythms may produce visions
and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a
force that has legends attached to it. It
carries with it both romance and insanity.
Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it
is only those willing to work with the force of
dreams that are able to withstand this
reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, September 17, 2004

u are smart?

Take the quiz: "How Smart Are You?"

You are incredibly clever

hahaha...very interesting!!


You have confidence in your ability to get things done. You are a leader among friends, and a good one too. You are responsible and like to challenge yourself by taking up difficult tasks - and you usually succeed.

You're very careful and circumspect in all matters but you won't face any problems until they actually happen. Also you're a kind and sensitive person.

You are tough, hard-working and responsible. When you are assigned to do something, you will do your best no matter how difficult the job at hand might be.

You are soft-minded. You find it's too hard to say "No" to others, especially when you are pushed. Quite often, you are taken advantage of because of your soft-minded nature.

Wat kinda of bear am I?

Friend Bear
You are everyone's ideal friend because you are sincere and genuinely kind. Sometimes you worry about your friends' problems so much, you forget about your own responsibilities, which can get you into trouble. For you, it's the little things that really count. You also happen to be the main driver of the Cloud Car. No speeding!

me, Jasmine, u gonna b crazy!!

Take the quiz: "What Disney Princess Are You?"

Huge house, tiger, flying carpet, the heart of a man. What more could a girl ask for?

Wat my Birth month says!!

Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"

Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood.Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studyin

Wat kinda of character are u?

Take the quiz: "What type of attitude problem do you have? (pics)"

Your Scary
Your probably goth (good for you). But this also makes most of the things you say creepy to others. Your probably trying to be mean but your slighty twisted so you end up scaring people. But who cares they still go away which is what you wanted. Try creeping people out by saying...." IT is fun and games untilsomeone gets sacrificed to SATAN!"

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Dun b hard on me!!!

Mum fall sick today...i cant hug my life-sized doll.....very sad leh.....then she want to go out c doc b4 i went sch so i was a bit unwilling lah....heng the big rain came...and so i get toi set off wif dun1 to b alone in house.....hehehe...she jokingly say i pray to god silently for the rain...i proetest that i din...hahaha.....anyway...i go wif her to the doc and wait for awhile b4 i set off to shc...hehehhe....she say u like that oso happy.....of course shuan lor....

As those who know me...i can b realli daft sometimes and completely off Shim gave back the test results and i din like the grade on it sia.....dammit.....then we went on to the tutorial questions...pplea re exchanging words so fast that i had a hard time catching up and writing it down than to speak Dr Shim gave me the "concerned" look on his face sia....haiz.....wat to do? I slow in processing data the time i want to speak up..the discussion gone nid to be in combat mode then can think quick or prepare thoroughly......haiz...poor me suffer in silence...really hate myself sumtimes...for being slow.....

Strezful and Meaningful ah..i woke up late for the project miting. bian..i too long nvr sleep past 6am liao....a bit greedy for it...luckily we get sum substance out of it sia

The translation tutorial is on Chinese to English biggest nightmare lor..i cant do as well as i do the other way round and i think i can sense the tutor's disappointment lor...haiz...muzt practice!!!!

Then it is happy hour after the tutorial. Mit Val for the movie "13 going 30" and we have a quick lunch at KFC....hehehe....

I accidentally touch a man's hairy legs in the cinema as i stretched my hands backwards. Oops.....then the film actually made me veri actually confirm my nightmare. Being at 30 realli accomplished nothing is terrible and getting to know u are the most horrid person is even worse....Retain 13's mentality at 30 is even worst...i think i am afraid about have the baby face lor...wonder if my personality still remain the same....i would realli hate myself then......haiz....i cried when i saw how sorry Jennifer Garner's character was.....though my net fren actually say she destroy her image...hehehe..i think personally, if it is a breakthrough in the bottleneck of 1's acting career, i dun mind making myself ugly...hehehe....

then we went to the salon so that Val can cut hair...the ladies at salon damn funny and loud sia....three women can make up a big market....imagine 5 of them excluding us...horrendous.....then the ladies kip telling Val wat to tell her ma...blah eardrum broke

"The amazing race" is getting more and more exciting....hahaha....realli enjoyed the blacken faces and the internal strife between Colin and Christie.....hahaha.....but i think it may b a miscalculation on chip and kim's part...coz now Colin and Christie at loggerheads at their anger is aim directly on them...they din know that the rest support the decision of chip and kim....getting tough on the finale...hahaha...looking foreward to it....

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

TEsts tuesday!

Strez sia...i have a test in the last lecture of my class..i am wondering id i will get a headache by then as i alwz did...hehehe....

i feel so inadquate as if i din prepare it is ture, i am not bluffing...i din read thru the text and there is no way i can do it....

Tried to get a seat in the canteen and saw my tutor wic his gf sitting infront of us...i was shocked...his gf was a gal of same batch n i took 3 classes wif her this same....such a coincidence..then i went to the LT14 to study for my was freezing...i nearly went into hibernation.

my translation lecture is a surprise. some teachers fren of my lecturer came in to create havoc...b4 i know i was dancing to "the dancing queen" of abba.....haiz...provide the much nided warmth i nid against the cold if electricity dun nid $$$$$

surprisingly, i din get headache but vertigo as the table and chairs was leaning to the front...feels blood flows to my head and very hot on my forehead....very uncomfy...the lecture is a stickler for maini details also part of the questions...haiz.....

me go hm at 7pm ad the lang lab practice took longer than i expected...sian ah...

Friday, September 10, 2004

Happy Friday!, i onli have 2hr lecture and for the rest of the day, i am free....hehehe.....i cash out of sch very early and i am the onli person left on bus 95 hehehe...the bus came rather quickly far too quickly than i expect of they whisked me off to Orchard in the quickest time i ever imagined. I reach in front of ngee ann city in less than an hr roughly 30-45mins...hehhehe

I am supposed to mit Val as she want to buy a jacket and require my i took my time to walk to Mac, withdraw some$$$ and walk to Mac bought a cup of coffee and chill out, reading notes while i wait for her..she still having vreakfast then last time i sms her from bus...hehehe...then we have some tea...Mac's breakfast b4 we moved is not even 11am yet...hehehe....

We go HMV to look look lor....and finally Val settle on the jacket she at 1st like but her friend like the other one...hehehe..i duno like it sia n dun think it is nice...anyway....she wore skirt today n the skirt wic i implored her togther wif min to buy it....hehhehe..her ma say very nice skirt....hahaha....for once, my eyesight not bad ah....

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Debate Thursday!

Wah....I veri nervous today coz i am having my debate then...1st one in the whole sch life in NUS. I start sch very late today..hehehe.....

turn our my script too long and i had to cut short...hehehe...but my rebuttal was good i guess...but HOWEVER,I forget that my bloody cutthroat character would show in this kind of verbal exchanges like I lust for blood for very long time...I nearly tear any1 into bits and pieces...i guess i couldnt control it as words juz blurt out of rebuttal was very very firm and i was very intent on finding other pple's faults so that i can attack....very pressurizing to others i guess

then the tutor say it is ok to get bitchy and stuff coz that's the way things are in debate

But i guess he contradict himself coz earlier on he say relaz and treat it like a discussion session. Wondering if his use of bitchy means me? hehehe....guess i think me is the type of bitchy gal afterall...sia....actually i am amazed by the frame of mind when i am in a debate...i duno the meaning of control and courtesy. Guess i alwz overlook this aspect of my personality that's y pple are amazed that how come this gal who dun alwz speak up suddenly become so power and intenze. my mum say i have alwz been like that since young...duno y bring up in such a calm n peaceful environment i can get such serious flaw sia....hahaha....i duno either...

i guess i had a headache when i came to group work too indecisive and watever makes me dying....having headache sia....and wat worse, i met wif a sex addict on irc who is so intent on bedding me....wah kau...wat kinda of world coming these days...

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Happy Wednesday!

hahaha...This is the shortest day of the week hehe....i ended the class quite early and in the last tutorial of the day, which is the translation and interpretation classes, my tutor asked for my name at the end of the day. Duno good or bad, because, I am the weirdo in the class. Everyone gets the facts correct but the grammar and syntax wrongwhile doing translation from english to chinese...I got the facts wrong but with the correct tone of voice...hahahah...i think he trying to mark me down coz i think i fare not good in class sia...haiz.....

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Strezful tues!

As usual, my tues did start off realli well...i slept late as usual and brought me a tremendous headache at the end of the day.

Where ever i sit in the LT, I will alwz get to c this ex-fren's ex...veri sian sia...not that i not like him in terms of his work or watever,i juz took an instant dislike at him which i duno y. I thot I was my luck n fate to c him wif such regularity...but as Val pointed out later, it is coincidence since we in same sch same fac same dept and I dislike him coz he and i shared a similar experience that i was reminded of it whenever i see him. He is not a bad guy as i know, i juz couldnt figure out what i dun like about him. Mayb Val is right.

Then the last lecture of the day was to watch movie!!! It is an Italian film called "Cinema Paradiso". Duno if u all heard about it, but i think i took and instant liking to the film. It is set in a small rural town where a young boy, Toto developed an unusual friendship with a middle-aged movie machine operator, Afrendo. Afrendo taught Toto how to operate on the machine as the young boy was so interested in the machine and movie house which was situated in the centre of the town. However, a fire destroyed the movie house and took away Afrendo's eyesight, though he was dragged to safety by Toto. Then Afrendo told Toto to get away from the dead town after Toto's national svc and a loss of his first love. When Toto, came back rich and famous, Afrendo was dead and the movie house which was the epitome and the heart of the town was tore away to make way for multi-storey carpark. TV is the hype then instead of movies.

Very touching and depressing story that i was so touched and emotional after it...I even miz my lang lab practise to watch the full length. When i walk towards the bustop, I saw ex-fren and later then i realise it was her birthday. I was stunned to c her...i din expect to c anyone after an upheaval of my emotions. i was very very depressed. I was very emotionally uptight and i think i cried on the bus on the way back home. I was thinking about the past. If anything could turn back time, I wouldnt have to go through all these and i will still be a much appire person than the shadowny streak in my character now. I realli hate myself for this but there is no way i can help it...I feel so sad for myself...y have i come this far?

Sunday, September 05, 2004

fire ah.....

Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered,
powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see,
being fire you are quite strong and powerful,
people look up to you greatly and often seek
your protection. You have the ability to gain
many friends and you are always one people can
count on to do what you say you will do. You
are extremely loyal be it friends or family
you'll stick up for them and you are never
willing to put them in a position that could
hurt them. You know what roll you play in life,
leader, and you intend to let people know it.
Not everyone is capable of leadership but you
certainly have the willpower and flare to do
it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself,
one that can often lead you into trouble. Once
your mind is made up there is no changing it
but no one said that was a bad thing.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla

yeah lah.....even idiot knows this!

You are not in love but you are not not in love,you
are trying to find things about the world and
want to find that woderful one but you cant
find what you are looking for.GOOD LUCK and
please rate my quiz.

Are you in love?
brought to you by Quizilla

characteristic that a guy like in me?

Does this sound like me? u must be kidding?

Guys just vulnerable you are!

What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3)
brought to you by Quizilla

How to pronouce the name of the ice-cream?

Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan!
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

WAT? Try too hard.....ok a bit dorky sia

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Tryhard!
You are trying a little to hard. Though you may be barely tolerable, and you may wear the 'in' clothing, you are still a dorkus on the inside. Keep trying! Everyone else loves watching you humiliate yourself! hah! *points and laughs*
Cool quizzes at

Love style? mayb i am blur!!!

Your Love Style Is...
You seem to be a little confused when it comes to the mysteries of love. You know you want love but you are unsure of how to get it. Try to let loose a little more and not worry so much about what other people think. You will master the love game in no time.

What is your Love Style? Find out at

HOw love SMART am I ?

How Love-Smart are you?
Oprah's Prodigy
Oprah would be proud. You know what love is and what you need to do to get it. You show great sensitivity and seem to be able to read those subtle love cues. Ever thought of becoming a talk show host?

How Love-Smart are you? Find out at

Bored DAy!!

All i try to do today is to catch up with my readings on IF3201...then i kip walking around the house n took the whole morning n noon to finish tired.....

Anyway, me back to daydreaming A cinderella i hunt foe the posters....i not greedy one...i know that 8days or iweekly have it this week.....but i bought the wrong could anyone have a kind heart pass 1 to me? realli appreciate it...hehehe......

like the whole story even if the storyline is very very very old......y do i have to feel this way?hahaha...too boring i guess.....

here is the lyrics of my fave song now....

Artist: Hilary Duff and Haylie Duff Lyrics

Song: Our Lips Are Sealed Lyrics

Can you hear them?

They talk about us.

Telling lies well that's no surprise.

Can you see them, see right through them?

They have no shield no secrets to reveal.

It doesn't matter what they say in the jealous games people play.

Hey, hey, hey.

Our lips are sealed.

There's a weapon which we must use in our defense.


Spreading rumors so far from true.

Dragged up from the underworld just like some precious pearl.

It doesn't matter what they say in the jealous games people play.

Hey, hey, hey.

Our lips are sealed.

Pay no mind to what they say,It doesnt matter anyway.

Our lips are sealed.

Hush, my darling.

Don't you cry.

Cryin' Angel.

Forget their lies.

Can you hear them?

They talk about us.

Telling lies well that's no surprise.

Can you see them, see right through them?

They have no shield no secrets to reveal.

It doesn't matter what they say in the jealous games people play.

Hey, hey, hey.

Our lips are sealed.

Pay no mind to what they say, It doest matter anyway.

Our lips are sealed.

Our lips are sealed.

Our lips are sealed!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Yippee!!! Finally finished!!!!

Today, we mit again....i booked the discussion room early due to my early dismissal from sci fac...hehehe..i could barely stay awake in the is a miracle to find myself waking up.....then i waited for people to come in....then Gwen call me and said she din know got meeting so she tried to rush here....hehehe...sorry gal i post on the yahoogp msg board but forget u din have internet connection...Next time i will sms sia....

The we start to rearrange the parts and we draw lots to c the order of speakers. Me got no 2.....sia....i wish for intro sia....but we can rotate and take turns...i am not going to b stupid to write briefs everytime....and then we decide to add more details and find more points to be compile by me b4 12am tonite(deadline).

Then we start to complain about the procedures.....n realise this...this project brief took too long to complete and very stringent....4 tutorials and 4 debates...alll for the 15% of the total cheapo sia.......we got other modules to consider and there is a final research paper to do which we nearly forgot......haiz...must hand in the proposal next tues sia.....

Then i went home feeling angry and sorry for myself.....i spend so much time studying and neglect other things....wat have achieve so far?i realli duno.....y do i have to do so much???i feel very sian sia.....

I sleep lor...then i woke up at 8pm...had my dinner as i type my part out wif details....then i was finished by about 10pm....i start to press others....Gwen aredi post hers online....*muack* love her style...can kip up wif me sia....ubt she forgot to include her stats.....i had to find for her....not ez..

I tried to locate others...but onli manage to find kaiqin n cindy....meilin was nowwhere to be heard......i tot she like me bz so i ignore her 1st....since hers is conclusions....should be ez....

Then Cindy's part came.... fine sia.....then kaiqin's.....oh i open hers ah...i nearly kill myself....she change the format i reformat hers....and ask her for footnotes instead of is still ok...i am extreme patient one when i do my work.....hehehe....self-proclaimed sia...dun blame me or throw rotten eggs at me the way, there is no eggs to be thrown.....too precious sia....

Then came the worst then it is 1155pm liao.......i ask kaiqin to call meilin.....found out she just got hm and did not do anything.....she tot wat i did was the final parts editing needed.....wah kau...out of 5pple, 4got it while she din.....i din make myself clear meh?anyway,i din include her part so that she can freely write hers....I had no choice but to write her part for her.....damn ma said i become the so call wonder choice.....for my marks i had to bear wif then it is aredi 1230pm...and i quickly send tutor our brief....haiz.

Then i realise after all the rush and excitement, i am not sleepy so i start to think i am too laz i decide to buck up and start on all project discussion...otherwise...i will forever be chasing the deadline like mad......i will be bound by it...which i hate.....i rather start that others can follow.....i mustnt lose my focus.......i must win......i must show that i can win...

Friday, September 03, 2004

Nearly killed me!!!

thursday was the supposedly meeting day for our project....i run sum searches....then found somethings lor....we had some trouble finding and settleing down but we manage to share a room with others...until they paiseh and go off...hehhee

We brainstormed and try out various oppositional arguments and got a whole list wic i will compile it....then they left and i had to wait for my tutorial class then....I had trouble getting to the venue becoz part of the road was i had to go thru a longer way and it was raining sia....On the way there, mit my korean lecturer for the tutorial class, he on his way out....he smile at me sia...and i as usual got blur for 3s then smile back at him....he recognise me is a wonder...since he only see me several times...It is surprisingly a diff mode and atmosphere from last is not so pressing and strezfull...have fun in the class wic i enjoyed so i would say the korean lecturer very clever....he appoint students to b leaders and have a pro answerer when no one else speaks....

Then I went home...trying to sort out the my horror...those were counterarguments that i cant find any main arguments in it....i try my best to find more to add in so that the outline din look so bad and people can edit on it so no much hassle....this brief still needsPROPER BIBILOGRAPHIES, MINIMUM OF 4 SOURCES, NO ESSAY FORMAT BUT MUST BE IN FULL SENTENCES

I worked until 2am in the morning when i had 8am class on friday.....*groans*

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Updates so far

Tuesday is a long choice my frenz for lunch and over then we tok about the future n jobs...quite scary sia....then realise that my fren had some difficulties and me is so lucky to be able to continue my studies... :P

Wednesday is the panic day for Val. She quite worried over her results but i have confidence in her that she will do well....we mit for lunch....actually to da-bao to her hse....i am finally early sia.....hehehe......then i mit jc classmate. she is currently in NIE teaching Maths and Science in Sec. sia....

Then Val took a long time to loas her page to get her results...think the server overwhelm wif the same anxious people.....finally after 1 and 1/2 hrs..she finally get in and found all her subjects passed sia.....hehehe...yah hoooo...not bad sia gal...forget wat ur mum said...u hold your own forte....!

Then i went home to deal wif the pressing issue of debate brief....haiz

Monday, August 30, 2004

Gathering wif my sisters

Today, we suppose to mit min, xin and ling at kaili's hse but due to min who watching movie wif W, so we delay the miting time.

Then me n kaili went to mit lor...I realli set off in time...1st time i ever did it...hehehe....but ah....when i reach the ground floor, my mum yell at me from the window...ur hp

oh no, i forgot to bring hp poor me have to climb back to hse n collect poor kaili have to wait for sorry

then we decide to go bishan n check out tat guy...coz i tnk min a bit interested in him lah...kay poh a bit lor...spice up my life....too bored liao...i saw him in swensen n found him typical sg guy..not too bad fromt eh side view n min clearly had a good time we decide not to crash party n walk walk...anyway, too much pple queueing n we paiseh to get in sia....

later when we mit him...i find him a bit shy....hehehe....

i din find the shoes i like at charles n keith....a bit sad shoes for me

We went to kaili's house n watch "a cinderella's story". Very nice movie...i like it a shows my opinion of cyberspace n online frenship....

I alwaz feel tat no matter how chatty u are online, u never know wat happens when the two person met. I alwz made the worse assumption wic my frenz cant stand me for......u may make the person seem very nice when u dun c them...n the pic painted crashed when u c the real person...u pick pple so will pple pick u....i realli treasure every type of relationship but cldnt bear to c sumone sad becoma we are not the image that they c in us.... i know it seems very unreal to have frenz online w/o meeting....n very insecure...but i feel even more frightened....i am not wat they perceived me to be then how?

That's y i alwaz admire those who have the courage to mit online frenz offline...I clnt do it even if i force myself to do so....i know this is wrong of me but i cant help it....i tnk mayb i should take this first step n c how....but right here i dun apologize for not meeting all those i am supposed to meet, must have break ur hearts.....

Sisters, dun ask me why i never meet online frenz....i dun how to explain this to u....but i am scared.....and i din believe in fairy tales......Hilary Duff's cinderella...not my type....

Sunday, August 29, 2004

a cinderella story quote

from trailer]
Fiona : I am very, very upset about this.
Brianna , Gabriella : You don't look upset.
Fiona : It's the Botox. I can't show emotion for another hour and a half.

[from trailer]
Fiona : I need my Omega-3's!

Fiona : [to Sam] There's something I've always wanted to tell you-you're not very pretty, and you're not very bright.

[from trailer]
Austin : Where are you going?
Sam : I'm late.
Austin : For what?
Sam : Reality.

[from trailer]
Shelby : Are zone meals served here?

[from trailer]
David : Hello Kitty. Ya know what I'm sayin?

Shelby : What has no carbs, no sugar, and is fat free?
Sam : Water.

Austin : You need a wax.
Sam : What?
Austin : [Laughs] I meant the car.

Sam : Waiting for you, is like waiting for rain to end the drought, disappointing and useless.

Sam's Dad : Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Rhonda : [to carter] Call me Girlfriend one more time.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

tutorial day!

I had two tutorials today consecutively....starting at 2pm.....i was rushing to my class room..on the way, i passed an angmoh getting off taxi....i din care him...till when i was climbing stairs under the hot sun...

suddenly he said, "Hey there!"

Out of curiousity i turned around n saw he refered to me as there was no one.....i said,"Yeah?"He wasnt exactly tat shuai...aniwae..i had class....n i find him rude the way he call for me instead of "excuse me"!!!! I know it is their culture but i can helped it getting annoyed.

He ask me,"Where is AS5?"

Since he is more near the main road....I direct him to walk along the carpark till the end...B4 i could finish, he said his thanks n went off....

I was about to say more but since he stopped me it is up to is very ez to get the illusion tat it is end of the road after that posh AS7 but there are more buildings after tat....since he cut me off...i shrugged off the responsibility of telling him more...who cares!!!!

Rushing along the corridor,i saw this poor guy with bandage in wheelchair...then i glanced at him and guess who i saw? My sec 4 maths teacher cum maths HOD, Mr Ng Chew Kee...if i am not mistaken...he recognised me...and we chat a little..he asked what am i doing here, teaching....

i said no, i was studying here....3rd yr....he ask for my major, I had to expand for umpteen times my dept name...then he laughed and say not the same as his nephew aka the poor chap in wheelchair who is in social work....then he ask if i am rushing for lecture...i said yes since i was pressed for time...

Lucily i am still early...decide to wait for my frenz outside the classroom....then i saw the angmoh guy again rushing......i quickly went into the classroom, fearing him accusing me of not pointing enuff direction for him...whew...

The 1st tutorial went smoothly...form a group for debate n research gp...hehehe

The second tutorial is so dry n .....sob sob...i am the onli one w/o pals there......everyone is 2 by 2 or by all pathetic.....

I told ma about it n she exact words,"U are like tat since young...u must learn independence. No 1 going to help u but urself."

As i think about it thru out the rest of the journey, i find it is the truth, creal reality n scary.....then more i tnk of it the more i want to cry......I tnk in the pessimistic way.....i tnk of wat if my parents are 1 will say the same words n encourage me anymore....I have tot of this b4 but i went into escapism.....but the thing came back to haunt me repeatedly.......wat will happen to me by then if i am left behind all alone w/o frenz? Wat will i do? I am nearly in tears when i tnk of it and it gives me a splitting is so SCARY.....
I feel like i am back to the little gal who is trapped in this ageing body....

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Wed's the day man!"

Blur day sia.....When i board the bus today, I nearly fell down the kerb...luckily i regain my balance...otherwise no one will help me....then i realise that i nid to get to biz fac's LT 18 for my 8am class...had a hard time searching for it......then heng got a cleaning old man direct me when i was counting the LT aloud....
Raining heavily in the middle of the i cant take the shortcut to go back to Arts....i had to reroute via law fac which is heavily under renovation to get there.....
then Kaiqin n me decide to go buy some cheap nike shoes then to find that there is no sale on this indicated date....wah kau...we decide to comfort ourselves with food...then we saw Genki Sushi in YIH. Long queue sia..but we decide it is worth we wait lor...luckily a waiter came out and ask how many person. Since there were two of us...we take the side lounge side....hehehe...not the bar seat....pple stared enviously at us when we passed the more pals to eat lah........yum yum....nice cheap sum more just 1.20 bucks per plate....hehehehee.......then when we settle our bills....we found it is under 10 bucks....7 plus bucks to be exact.....hehehhee.....cheapest sushi meal that i ever ate.....

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Wat a Day!

Whoa......It is Tues of my headache longest day ever in the stay in sch.... 8am to frenz admire me for my resilience...

Realli bored in sch i guess and realli mad at this new lecturer who obviously din know the limits of human beings....apparently she post up a lot of ppt slides omitted from those given to us...tis is fine wif me as a policy of safeguarding those who din turn up......but it is realli too much if u flash, blahhhhhhh and click next slide without letting pple copy....if u want to flash sumthing, it is obvious that it is important, otherwise dun flash it.....I guess i am realli mad at this.....and the next thing i know is that my hands went up high in the air and my mouth automatically request that lady lecturer to go back to the previous slide n allow us to copy....words just flow from my mouth....b4 i know it i had aredi done it.......I had the audacity to stop a lecturer to backtrack....i never thot i would do scares me as i might have said something worse or watever.....

then me n my frenz went to canteen to mum mum.....luckily my fren able to chomp seats for us in the crowded canteen...hehehe...i had claypot seasame Chicky......nevermind the bird smell nice but ah.....4pieces of chicky plus 2 mushrooms growing children leh.....sob sob...then we decide to go vanity fair selling cosmetics n skincare wif brands like Clinique, Prescriptive, Aramis....b4 that we veri funny one leh...tnking where to board the bus to go vanity fair then when we start walking in diff direction...we forgot that we agreed to go toilet some went in the toilet direction n others to bustop....i laughed till siao when we rembr we nid to go toilet....heheheheeeeeee.....though the weather is hot...we behave like kids on excursion....laughing at super great mood...then we reached there onli to find disappointment....the price of cosmetic scaled higher than last yr n there are onli two Clinique n few things n nothing suit we left sian sia....hope tml's nike sale is beta....

Sunday, August 22, 2004

looking forward to c these two movies

cool movies that Val intro to me b'coz she like the guy while i like the plot...cheezy but nonetheless fun comedy....

check out the official website at">

hahaha....i am more into sports then when i spotted this movies in the Yahoo! movie i like it instantly n looking at the synopsis had me cfm that i want to watch this....yeah....

check out the website n the trailer too at

hahaha......weird leh

You're Element is Night. You're a loner who is very
creative but never show your work to anyone.
You may smile a little but sadness or
loneliness surround you and other can feel it
when they're near you. You have a dark or
unusual beauty that makes you mysterious and
you probably have a lot of secrets that you've
never told anyone. You're beauty is intriging
and unorthidox but the real thing that makes
you special is your eyes. Something in them
makes them like Diamonds in the Rough.

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by

why is this so?

Moon Secrets
You are the Secretive Mermaid. Perpetual beauty
that longs for legs to walk by the side of men.
You spend your time gazing at the stars and
whispering to the moon. You have little to no
freinds that breathe. Your freinds all missing.
You are sweet as syryp and kind as cake. There
are a handful of people and mermaids like you.
Would you rate my quiz I will keep it a secret?

What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics)
brought to you by

y am i a giraffe??

Giraffe Spirit Calls To You!
Giraffe's Wisdom

Sees far into the future

Ability to reach things that are unreachable to



Ability to remain above the fray

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
brought to you by

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Ah Gu's Birthday!!!

Yeah.....Ah Gu's birthday....on much contemplation, Ah Gu decide to celebrate her Birthday with us...n ditch tat Mr Tan.....not ditched be exact, tat Mr Tan had problem walking after he met wif a car accident...we think anyway he is in love wif our dear Ah Gu...but she denied it flatly....hehehehe.....anyway, she went to his house n pass him Gu Long's martial art novels.....he plant a surprise for her.....a Birthday cake...chocolate some more....hehehe.....but ah gu nan guai nu in a rm leh....hehehe...we suspect there is more....
Then me and Val went to Tampines to wait for Min and Ah Gu....hehehe...we saw a lot of shoes.... later Ah Gu came n we aim some Digicam......i tnk i want......oh Ah Gu even bring the cake along n under Mr Tan's instruction, the cake's final resting place is in our nice of him.....Thankz...
We went to Fish n Co and ordering our food makes Ah Gu the butt of our jokes......she missed pronounce the names of the dishes..n set us n the waiter n cheap (chipS), i T (Iced tea) .....hahaha.....cant help it later....
Later food came... to my salivating mouth...they ordered seafood..........i cant eat......sob sob....
then we had the cake.......i had the guilty conscience here.......Chocolate Cake leh......Wonder how am i going to burn the calories........having it at 9pm is very bad...
then we take some pics.......n had a great time for 1hr i the pic later...if time permits...
then my idiotic bro who's at BBQ called me n told me to mit him downstair coz he had the audacity not to bring keys......i ok wof it lah...but we i reach downstairs of my blk, i call this guy n found he is taking his fren's father car n still packing up.....Wah cant stand him leh......near 12am liao leh...n i am a gal leh.......i am suppose to wait for him till he came hm ah...a lot of things would have happen liao....he insisted i wait for him fit of fury...i told him to go to HELL n i stormed back the time i am ready to sleep which is about 130am...he came back..of course mum was angry n near kip him outsid to sleep in the bustop.....haiz...guys dun tnk want leh......this idiotic bro of mine is even worse.....duno wat he scared of.....ask me to wait for him downstair.....if he is scared i should b even more scared.......i nearly want to strangle him...chop him into shreds n cook curry....

Friday, August 20, 2004

Ah Gu's Birthday!!!

Yeah.....Ah Gu's birthday....on much contemplation, Ah Gu decide to celebrate her Birthday with us...n ditch tat Mr Tan.....not ditched be exact, tat Mr Tan had problem walking after he met wif a car accident...we think anyway he is in love wif our dear Ah Gu...but she denied it flatly....hehehehe.....anyway, she went to his house n pass him Gu Long's martial art novels.....he plant a surprise for her.....a Birthday cake...chocolate some more....hehehe.....but ah gu nan guai nu in a rm leh....hehehe...we suspect there is more....
Then me and Val went to Tampines to wait for Min and Ah Gu....hehehe...we saw a lot of shoes.... later Ah Gu came n we aim some Digicam......i tnk i want......oh Ah Gu even bring the cake along n under Mr Tan's instruction, the cake's final resting place is in our nice of him.....Thankz...
We went to Fish n Co and ordering our food makes Ah Gu the butt of our jokes......she missed pronounce the names of the dishes..n set us n the waiter n cheap (chipS), i T (Iced tea) .....hahaha.....cant help it later....
Later food came... to my salivating mouth...they ordered seafood..........i cant eat......sob sob....
then we had the cake.......i had the guilty conscience here.......Chocolate Cake leh......Wonder how am i going to burn the calories........having it at 9pm is very bad...
then we take some pics.......n had a great time for 1hr i the pic later...if time permits...
then my idiotic bro who's at BBQ called me n told me to mit him downstair coz he had the audacity not to bring keys......i ok wof it lah...but we i reach downstairs of my blk, i call this guy n found he is taking his fren's father car n still packing up.....Wah cant stand him leh......near 12am liao leh...n i am a gal leh.......i am suppose to wait for him till he came hm ah...a lot of things would have happen liao....he insisted i wait for him fit of fury...i told him to go to HELL n i stormed back the time i am ready to sleep which is about 130am...he came back..of course mum was angry n near kip him outsid to sleep in the bustop.....haiz...guys dun tnk want leh......this idiotic bro of mine is even worse.....duno wat he scared of.....ask me to wait for him downstair.....if he is scared i should b even more scared.......i nearly want to strangle him...chop him into shreds n cook curry....

Wat a Day!!!!

On fri i din know tat i was staying so late.....haiz....
The start of the day already caused me a lot of problems....i cant believe myself that i have miss 2 bus95....guess wat...pple who are later than me actually got on the bus.....anyway by the time i got a bus, it is Bus95A wic stops outside NUH and i have to walk all the way into medical is 8am plus...lucky my fren already found seats liao...but i din find them....hehehe...till they spot me...
Later, i went to the is absolutely cool and i enjoy my stay there....ok lah..i admit i sleep there b4 i study......the environment is soooooo cosy....
Then wait for my fren for lunch...had a lot and i was full to the top....then on the way to computer centre where huimin collect her laptop, I saw Angela coming out of her classroom.....i duno who is she smiling at i guess it is not me but my fren( Liang Huimin,they know each other), i just look away.....I know it is cowardly of me to do so but i realli dun 1 to hurt myself........but i guess Huimin is ultra sensitive, she ask me if i quarrel wif her...i just smile w/o saying anything.....i guess i am dun 1 to spread this...Afterall, it involves onli the 2 of us......i am amazed by the brief look at her.......i get tis idea tat i no longer know this person....she is so alien to me....her blue eyeshadow n her thick makeup.....i guess i dun realli know this person is a scary thought considering we had been friends for is horrible feeling i guess n it will continue to huant me......
Then we went to find the medical deep in.....n it is so enclosed that the librarian know that we are not from medical faculty n give us second look......i also find that medical lib is a good storage area especially if u are going to do attachment to the nearby NUH.....i saw students in white coats n carrying sethoscope walking in to retrieve their bags....hehehe....
So sian....y i have to stay in sch for so long?

Monday, August 16, 2004

Latest craze game for me!!!!

I recently got hooked on this new game in It lookes a bit like avatar community where u can change the appearance of ur characters 3D.....then u can go on quest to earn ur keep...quite an interesting u all would have know, i am known for being hopeless at fast pace this one is quite suitable for pple like me.....It is realli cool and fun.....guess i would have to control myself as i chunked away my readings n lecture notes more often than b4......hehehe....strongly addictive..... careful yeah...
To have access to the page, please click on the title of this blog entry, and u will get it......tell me more on ur feelings n comments on the game via tagboard or leave me a comment in the blog entry....cya

wic charater r u?

Ur Harry Potter!!! U've guessd it... Anyways, rate
and message me!

Wich Hogwarts Char R U??? (read da memo)

Thursday, August 12, 2004


August 12, 2004
Free report for: niantang
Guardians, are the cornerstone of society, for they are the temperament given to serving and preserving our most important social institutions. Guardians have natural talent in managing goods and services--from supervision to maintenance and supply--and they use all their skills to keep things running smoothly in their families, communities, schools, churches, hospitals, and businesses.
Guardians can have a lot of fun with their friends, but they are quite serious about their duties and responsibilities. Guardians take pride in being dependable and trustworthy; if there's a job to be done, they can be counted on to put their shoulder to the wheel. Guardians also believe in law and order, and sometimes worry that respect for authority, even a fundamental sense of right and wrong, is being lost. Perhaps this is why Guardians honor customs and traditions so strongly--they are familiar patterns that help bring stability to our modern, fast-paced world.
Practical and down-to-earth, Guardians believe in following the rules and cooperating with others. They are not very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run loyalty, discipline, and teamwork get the job done right. Guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures. They are cautious about change, even though they know that change can be healthy for an institution. Better to go slowly, they say, and look before you leap.
Guardians make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the population.

Aiyo....guess me in bad state

Doing on the quiz(plz click on the heading to get to the page), then realise wat a manace i was when i was doing is wat it say abt me...
-6: If you scored within this range, you would tend to be a conscientious and committed high achiever who is likely to over-identify with your accomplishments. This works well when things are going fine but when frustrations mount, over-achievers tend to push themselves even harder and are less likely to reach out of outmoded mental models or turn to others for assistance. This can lead to feelings of distress and even burnout. It might be important to find out the self-limiting beliefs that can cause you to shut down.

Sch suck!!!!

On the 1st day of sch...though everything was fun n interesting....i soon develop headache when i was going thru my last lect...think i cldnt concentrate on it and i feel mad at myself.....haiz.....I practically had to drag myself back home....y is the new slippers biting by feet....y do i have to study till so late....y this n y tat!!!! Val say i haven get into the groove of things yet....but i feel this is not the case... start my day i have a complementary health class tat morning...guess who i saw.....i saw the guy wif the same major as me n laughing at me b'coz i pout when i cldnt get on the shuttle bus.....we are so 有缘.......hehehe....but i dun like myself take note of him aniwae.....he is well....a fren's ex......n i still remember parts of "Mean Girls" starring lindsay lohan.....
fun class these are...but soon realise tat i nid to spend extra time in the lang lab to practise my translation.....on the same long day of Tues.....让我死吧!!!!

Friday, August 06, 2004

tnk this is true of me????

You are Blue Tiger, who is cheerful and straight forward person, but you also possess pure and clean atmosphere.
You are very active, and don't flirt with men and are not cautious towards them.
You are open-minded person with big warm heart.
You can make decent decisions and have observing eyes.
You are also intelligent and self confident.
Nevertheless you are not very good at quick decision makings, and tend not to act before you are convinced thoroughly.
But once convinced, you will go the whole way.
You are very popular, because of the way in which you don't show favoritism and you can make decisions on reason.
Unlike your cheerfulness, you tend to be very sensitive and tend to worry needlessly.
You seem like a romantic type, but you are very realistic and don't go following your dreams forever.
You are actually thinking a lot about your future.
Although you seem like a big-sister type, you can be conservative towards men.
You have good sense, but your interests are rather old fashioned.
When you are in a difficulty, there will always be someone to help you.
Those who received lots of help from the others tend to become warm hearted, and take care of the other people well.
You tend to link love and marriage.
And you wish for the two to become one.
Even if you get married, you tend to find activity outside home, so it will be good for you to keep a distance.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

A trip to the Singapore Art Museum!!!!

Wah......wat a the morning....i join my ma n bro to go hunt for shoes....then comes back to go wif Val to Art Museum...duno y I choose tat place......then Val agree to we go lor...compliments of the NTUC income BDay gift....

I made a boo boo out of myself...i supposed to wait for Val at 3pm but i duno i dragged till near 330pm then i reached. Coz she nearly wield knife at me.......exaggerated stuff....

Wat an inspiring trip there......i found out a lot about life from the sculptor Zhu Ming. His attitude towards life n his creative process, help me to learn n understand n solve the problems troubling me.....This guy totally gets the essence of TaiChi...and express it rather well.....admire him for it...for i read thru the same thing but i get little enlightment.....hope this does not have something to do wif age....

Then there is an exhibition on Creative use of Art to display the otherwise bored science n is cleverly done.....Val n I like this particular painting made on the handmade recycled depicts life in large city......very colourful.....

Oh...there is an exhibition on the use of video n media to create is particularly related to my course.......the impact of media on the audience...
" The moving image.......allowing the eye to follow a range of events and develop a particular expectation....pauses n delays modify the expectations of the narrative structure and alloe for new ideas and ways of any to be discovered."

Wic brings me to the point....y do pple allow moving image like TV and films to sway their own perceptions? Is it becoz they underestimate the new media n treat it as harmless? B4 theyknow it..they are addicted and passive towards it? Is tat how globalisation or more specifically Americanization, Cola-nisation n Macdonald-lisation comes about?

But there is a chinese saying of "戏如人生,人生如戏".If things are unreal, then what does the story based on? Pple are not dumb and stupid....pple are manipulated to view the film in a specific way...but how many times does someone break out of the trance n think of the whole film in entirely new ways? So bcoz of laziness n change our perceptions? Isnt it scary at how things so minute can impact on us? Just c how crazy Japanese can b when they are allowed to host olympics in 1964(i think)... TV sales went soaring all high..though it was still expensive even for B/W TV....

Another Facinating thing is is amazing to me...someone who rely very much on tools like colour pencils n brush to paint....big areas are painted by finger joints n thumbs....while small fine lines are drawn using fingernail...n amazingly...there is not one fingerprint.....the colour is so well spread on n mixed wif hues....tat one cant hardly differentiate it from one done wif brush.... I like a painting on Pine that is build up of 4 individual papers.....the pine needles are drawn by fingernails n it is absolutely fantastic........n I was stunned by another about Plum Blossom or 梅花.....duno whether u guys know it...but i particularly like Plum blossom......duno y....tat painting is a is very real n mixed the hues brilliantly....bright red with a tint of pink.....amazing....n of course thereare paintings on bamboos....wic i also like......Val says she put me her to look at it to 望竹止渴.......she very bad ah.......

Then we went to AMK to eat chicky cutlet...Whoa...big plate n i nearly couldnt finish it.....very tasty.....hehehe.... we buy some bottles of shampoos n went back to Yishun.....we went to watsons to get the conditioner she was toking to me about......ha.....hope my hair becomes straight.......oh there is the cultural nite near our hse...we went....n not very nice....juz some rolling here and songs.... but it was a troupe set up by ex-TV actress Pei Xiaoling's mother, Pei Yanling......home lor......quite happy today....

Thanks Val for ur company....

Friday, July 30, 2004 bday gift from the birthdayalarm group

Section 1: The Inner You: Your Real MotivationProud and intensely individual, you really want to stand out, to be the very best you can be, and to be recognized and appreciated for your unique contributions. Doing something well and being respected for it is extremely important to you, and you cannot tolerate being in the background, taking orders from others, or being "just one of the team". You must put your personal stamp on whatever you do, and direct your own course in life. You need to have a place where you can shine, express yourself creatively, and be the one in charge.

Section 2: Mental Interests and AbilitiesYou are a person of strong opinions and you express your views energetically and often dramatically. You are an entertaining speaker and will embellish or exaggerate in order to get your point across. You have an aptitude for story-telling and performing. Even if your arena is only the classroom or dining room table, you put on a good show. You have an abundance of creative ideas and do not enjoy a job in which you have no creative input or voice in decision-making. You could be a good politician, spokesperson, group leader, director, or coach.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

New Blogskins....

Yeah pple.....after testing so hard wif a flop on the "Troy" blogskin.......i found another new one...but comes wif a has popups...i duno how to clear it so any1?????

hmmm...wat do u tnk of the answers?

So goth you're dead!
You are every goth-kids dream!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?

Sunday, July 18, 2004 mental age from Val's test

  You are mentally in the Late  20's.If you are teen and got this result, you are associated to an old  baby (oxymoron). You are a motherly character to your friends,looking after them and wanting to protect them. Your ental age is  about 26 at this  point. People feel very comfortable around you  becauseyou fuss around. But you should remember not to become idle about  your appearance. The  clothes you wear also match the mature age you are  at.Bright clothes,  such as yellow, could make you feel younger if you  ever think about returning to your early 20's. How about chatting withyour friends  over  greasy hamburgers at a fast food place? Remember that it is up to you to create a vibrant atmosphere.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

TVBS commonalities

78、给别人酒里下毒后, 在别人喝的时候一定会盯着对方。