Monday, March 27, 2006

《梦回大清》 金子






羡慕里头的茗薇, 爱上痴情的十三, 对老四的愧疚, 对十四的不解, 抵防老八的高深莫测,酸老十的莽撞, 佩服德妃的透彻。。。。。。。


上课之余,写了这首词。 也不算词啦,因为我对平仄没什么感应。只按照自己的方式来。切勿抄袭。谢谢!

梦回大清 念棠

摇身一变成了宫女 尝遍诡异的斗争
历史成了事实 自己成为历史的棋子

爱恨情仇 荣辱衰败
一举一动都是自己的弱点 别人的武器
记忆永远历久弥新 随时可能身首异处
每一口气都是珍贵 踩在别人尸首上换来
历史不新鲜 死亡气息紧随着你 摆脱不了

温柔野蛮老十三 冷酷揪心的四爷
高深莫测是老八 伪善十四讽笑老九 别忘大老粗十阿哥
敦厚雍容非德妃 一生悲惨的太子爷 莫忘深思慈祥是康熙

repeat chorus

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Long time

So long I am never blog. Sorry guys! Just too busy with my work and stuff.
My research paper is on the way so whew! That's a load off my mind. I have to deal with other papers and projects. Not that easy at this part of the semester.
Well, a word of advice to those we are doing research work. Don't try to venture into an area where you cannot get the help of the private companies. No network means no help. You are going to drown in your own dreams of cooperations with them.
I tried to do so but failed. Guess why?
They are too busy.
And they need to change receptionist. Why?
They are grumpy fellas.
Both male and female.
Where is the supposedly ethical way of treating customer relations or your publics?
Even though I am conducting research which I strictly emphasise that it is for academic purposes, I am still one of your publics. So damn grouchy towards me! I don;t own them anything but I may consider spending my bucks somewhere else.
What kind of customer service is that?
Or you mean that is the customer service?
Then I would say poor citizens have to suffer from the hands of these crudies!
CAnt believe that they say that.
Nowadays, there is this pink striking thank you cards right?
Tell you, I wun fill up a single one for these people!
If you are saying service-oriented economy, then you are in for a sorry state.
haiz....people ah....unless it threaten their rice bowl, they would care a damn.
That's human instinct!
What a way to treat fellow humans!