Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Been through what one would term it as MOVIE MARATHON.

I have been watching one movie per day during the weekends. Here is what I think of the movies I have watched so far. Just a personal opinion, nothing more serious.


This is one of the shows that I feel my 10bucks is not worth it. Too stereotypical kind. Even though there is a play of word MADE instead of MAID so that it can emphasise that it is a GUY who is the maid of honor.

There are doubts left in my mind after viewing the show.

Why did she break the rule and invite a guy to be her maid of honor, ruin her entire wedding?

Why did the guy accept since he knows that he will be labelled as GAY?

Why did the guy strive to be the best maid of honor? So that the girl will see his strength and his maturity? That is utter crap. If he is man enough, he should approach the lady and do it right in her face. It is the woman that he loves. He sure can lose face. Otherwise who else would he say this 3 letter word to? Or the scriptwriter is trying her very best to manueovre the show to fit the title?

How can the Scottish bridegroom to be so thick-headed? Why di he not see the chemistry between them? Well, giving him a punch is a light penalty for stealing his bride.

Well, as usual, it is happy ending.

The OFFICIAL TRAILER is misleading and already capture the essence of the entire show. like a summary.

Well, if you are bored and you got nothing to do, u can try to have some laughter in your life.

Otherwise, it is a waste of time and money.

2. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

This is definitely one of the blockbuster of the year that you must watch. It has a lot of bilbical meanings in it. It teaches one to be courageous, be accountable for your actions and so on. It is a very meaningful movie, griping at times and sometime you feel the despair of the characters.

A very nice cast assembled together to give this a more than ordinary experience.

However, the story ended in a very weird fashion. Nothing more that the meaning of Good triumphs over the evil.

This should be on the must watch list.


This is an adaptation of the Marvel Comics. This show is quite boring except for all the special and 3D effects n place. They use a lot of bluescreens, puppeteers who are used to imitate the robot;s movements and so on. In terms of themes, it is the usual story of how Uncle Sam triumphs over the evil and spread the ideas of terrible capitalism. Not too bad for my assignment. CAn be use to illustrate the art of conversation (when the bad guy talkd to secretary in the office), a way of interviewing people and the soundtrack is utterl fantastic for movie production.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


不知道是不是自己对自己的要求太过严苛了, 总觉得自己目光短浅, 如井底之蛙, 个性也超级别扭.
只看到自己愿意看到的世界, 收藏快乐, 摒弃痛苦.
太在意别人对自己的看法, 毫无自信可言.
一举一动都小心翼翼, 深怕自己作出什么可耻的事情.
整天带着面具, 很累, 很自卑.

再来, 好象什么事都做不好, 总是比别人差, 老是追在别人的背后.
很累的, 但是为了未来还是拼命的追. 可以想象为什么长今会感到疲惫.
为了弥补自己经验资历的不足, 必须日以继夜的追赶, 勤奋努力, 才能赶的上人家的基本能力.
但是, 看看自己的同辈, 没有人到自己的境界. 是寂寞, 孤独, 感叹为什么别人没有到,而自己必须到这里?
是自己杞人忧天, 还是早熟, 我也不知道.
好象成长是个游戏, 而我根本掌握好游戏规则.
好累, 好想出国休息. 可偏偏遇上慢郎中, 还得择吉时出发.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


看完了<<传闻中的七公主>> 和<<稀游记>>, 我终于了解为什么自己每天必定尽量回家吃饭.
两部戏的女主角说的很好."我下意识会去猜,妈妈今天又煮了什么好吃的." 然后,感叹原来妈妈会煮这道菜.而她在煮的时候,我竟然不在她的身边.
好感动, 好害怕,感触良深.